Parent Info

Parent / Guardian Name

Phone Number




Zip Code

Email Address

Youth Info

Youth Name

Youth Age

Youth Date of Birth

Youth Gender

Has the youth applicant hunted before?

If youth has hunted, please give a short description of the hunt and the game they were hunting.
Please be specific as to the number of times this child has hunted before and the circumstances of each hunt.

Has the youth applicant completed a Hunter Education Course?

Are there any medical conditions, food allergies, etc. we should be aware of?

please list medical conditions

Hunt Info

First Choice of Hunting Locations

Second Choice of Hunting Locations

Please describe why you(youth applicant) want to participate in the Youth Squirrel Hunt in five sentences or less:

Thank you, your registration for the youth squirrel hunt has been recorded.
After we review your application, you will receive a follow up email notification regarding the status of your application. Applications will be reviewed for age requirements and availability of space at chosen locations..
